“sporty” or “girly” | Teen Ink

“sporty” or “girly”

October 6, 2016
By ra399728 BRONZE, The Colony , Texas
ra399728 BRONZE, The Colony , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I'm strong, I'm tough, I still wear my eyeliner" -lisa leslie


This quote represents my life because I love playing basketball, volleyball and soccer; I feel free when I play sports. I also love applying makeup because I feel really creative when I'm helping other people with theirs. I get to experiment with different products.

I have two sides of me, like how people like to call other girls by the way they dress and act like “sporty” or “girly”. I consider myself both because there some days that I feel like dressing nice and somedays I don't even try and wear sporty clothes.

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