Free Write | Teen Ink

Free Write

October 10, 2016
By ColbyEllison BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
ColbyEllison BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My generation is all the people under the age of 20. It's the people who rely completely on technology.I myself use technology everyday wether its for school or just for entertainment and so does everyone else in my generation. My generation is also spoiled. They get all the new phones and games from their parents or other people. That is my opinion on my generation.

My name is a good name because it is my name and nobody else has it. It's not a common name like andrew or mike, it's a name that no other person has. My last name is my favorite though. It is a family name and that means the whole world to me. I think i have one of the best names on the planet.

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