I Live For... | Teen Ink

I Live For...

October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

I live for God, because that’s the least I can do for the Lord who sent his one and only Son to die for me and for my sins. I live for Him by trying to share the Gospel at school and by trying to tell everyone how great, loving and merciful my Dad really is. Unfortunately not everybody is willing to accept Him and that is just sad, just the thought that not everyone is going to heaven is sad because I love Him with all my heart, soul and life therefore I want to share his existence. That’s another reason of why live for him, it’s not because of pressure or anything like that, but because that’s one of the way I can express my love for Him and for others while I’m waiting to be called home. My true home is heaven and I’m a 100% sure I will see the Lord there not because I “feel” He is there and I will see Him but because I know He’s there and that’s the reason of my life, that’s why I’m here, that’s what I live for, and I love it.

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