My First Date | Teen Ink

My First Date

June 8, 2016
By Anonymous

I have never been one to get butterflies in my stomach at the site of a boy. I have never been that girl that tries on twelve different outfits just to pick the first one. I was never a girly girl. I liked played sports, video games, hanging out with guy rather than girls. I have had boyfriends before but was those school relationships you have when you were twelve and wanted to seem cool. However all that changed when I met someone who yanked out of my comfort zone. Children of today are in that weird age of technology where everything is done online. You do your homework, make new friends, and connect with ones, shop and so much more. I was (and probably will never be) a very techy teen. I prefer books and knitting over Facebook and Twitter. However, I was always curious what all the hype was about. I have never been so thankful for my curiosity. 

One day I decided to finally give in to my curiosity, so I downloaded an app. It wasn’t any old app, it was one that changed my life for the better. My friends raved about this app like it heaven on Earth. The purpose of it was to meet other teenager nearby so you can make new friends. The beauty of the app is you could also make friends with people all the way around the global. I was very skeptical of it at first. I learned so much about stranger danger and computer safety in a ton of computers classes, I was scared to try it. Nevertheless I did and how did I enjoy it so. I learned about different cultures, met people who lived near me that I actually saw all the time in person but never spoke to and formed relationships with strangers who I now call friends. I learned so much about myself by talking to others. My main reason for being on the app was to make new friends and satisfy my curiosity but my fate for the best because of a simple hello. As I was scrolling through pictures of people, when I spotted a handsome and dreamy guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.  My heart melted and for once I was almost too shy to say hello. I honestly didn’t except him to reply. He seemed like one of those super cute boy who were very shallow and mean but he surprised me with a reply. We talked for two days straight. We had endless conversions about any and everything, we could fill the Library of Congress with our words. Our two day streak ended and we just stopped talking for a month. Neither one of us could recall why, but we figured “life” just got in the way. Luckily, we started talking again, this time non-stop. We went from texting all day to video chatting all night. He became my new best friend and I became his.

Late August rolled around and we find decided to meet up. We talked about it before but it was just talk. We both had no intentions of becoming such good friend but how does. No one plans out their friendships. We agreed to go to my favorite Chinese restaurant downtown on that Friday. It was a Monday when we planned it and that whole week I was nervous and excited at the same time. When Friday came I almost cancelled. I was a nervous wreck. My mom thought it was funny. I remember changing nearly seven times before just settling on an all pink outfit. For the first time in my life I was happily wearing all pink. The butterflies in my stomach has butterflies in theirs. I paced up and down in my living room waiting for him to arrive. When he finally did I laughed until the point I was crying. He was much shorter than I thought he would be. He is taller than me but still short. I laughed away all of my nervousness.  Our date was very fun and magical. It was full of laughter and excitement. Today that short, blonde haired boy is my boyfriend and coming home from boot camp in one week and three days.

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