My Guide to Being Grounded | Teen Ink

My Guide to Being Grounded

May 12, 2016
By K-man BRONZE, El Cerrito, California
K-man BRONZE, El Cerrito, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am Konrad. I’m in 6th grade and I get grounded a lot, mainly for not finishing all my homework (which I get at least a page per subject in addition to forty minutes of reading per day). I have a ton of after school activities such as volleyball, soccer, basketball, math team, writing, school band, clarinet and cello lessons. Also, in the morning, I have school band. I go to bed every weeknight at 8PM.    

If you’re an older brother or sister, you’re basically screwed. Even if your younger sibling starts a fight between the two of you, your parents are going to blame it on you. If this happens, never argue with your parents. You’ll just get into more trouble than you were going to get into before.

My advice to you, once you’re grounded, is to read a lot. Try not to think that you’re grounded. Try to think that you’re just reading for fun. (I once re-read the entire Harry Potter series in three days, including the extension books.) If you want to pass the time, instead of reading, you can sleep. If you’re worried that you’re going to miss a big game or your favorite TV show, ask the more lenient of your parents to record it if they can. Always have something to do while you’re grounded, and, if your parents ask you if you’re bored, say no. Even if you are. It will lift your spirits.  

A long time ago, when I was in the fourth grade, I stole the family’s tablet and kept it in my bed to play video games during the night. I got grounded for three months for that. I hated it. I did not get any screentime the whole three months, even when I went to my friend’s house. Once I woke up at 1AM and I couldn’t fall back asleep, so I sat on the top of my staircase and waited until 7AM to eat breakfast. It was silent. I didn’t even hear crickets. There should be a ton of crickets because I live right next to a park, but even they were silent. I might have fallen asleep for a few minutes, but I don’t think I did. Normally, in that scenario, I’d go downstairs and play video games, but I was grounded, so I couldn’t. That day felt like it took a month to pass.

All in all, try to avoid getting grounded, but if you do get grounded, do all of the above (except for waking up at one o’clock in the morning).

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