Guidelines of Surviving Business Day 2016 | Teen Ink

Guidelines of Surviving Business Day 2016

May 10, 2016
By kezia,g BRONZE, Jakarta, Other
kezia,g BRONZE, Jakarta, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Business Day has been High/Scope’s tradition from the beginning. It is an event involving all students, teachers, and parents, for an activity of buying and selling. This year, the 8th graders will take part as “governments”, creating rules for all to follow. This is an effective way to help the event run smoothly and accordingly. The occasion will be held at the 25th of May, in the main High/Scope building.

Business Day is great for having students’ experience how the buying and selling process happens properly. This however, can only be achieved when a set of rules and regulations are applied. The author strongly supports the existence of these rules and believes everyone should follow, mostly because this can be very beneficial to everyone involved in the event.

Firstly, having rules to follow in a hectic and frenzied event will help students organize and keep track of everything. The lists of rules that will make this event stricter and disciplined are; 1.) The fact that plastic bags are not allowed, to have more of an environmentally friendly location, 2.) Trash bins are to be brought by each group, to keep school clean, 3.) The products sold by each business can not consignment, so students can learn to be independent and creative with fashioning own products, 4.) Inappropriate names are not permitted; to make sure no one feels disrespected in the event, 5.)  No hawkers until the last fifteen minutes, to keep situation well ordered and measured, 6.) Investment with a maximum of Rp. 500,000 is allowed, so students’ will not have a hard time paying back the money borrowed, 7.) Advertisements in school have individual prices; so students can realize the expanses of ads, and finally, 8.) Taxes, rent, and electricity bill are to be paid after gaining profit, for the students’ learning benefit. Second, from the last rule of “mandatory taxes and expanses”, students will also learn how to work with money. Having loss, getting profit, are useful experiences for the future. Lastly, by following these rules, the seller would not have to worry about a penalty (in a form of money). That will be drawn, once a rule is broken.

However, there are rules that can be disagreeable. One of them includes the “members of the group must be wearing the same / coordinated outfits” rule. It is unnecessary, as from passed years there has never been an issue with what the sellers were wearing. As long as the clothing is proper and suitable, it should be fine.
In a nutshell, you should really look forward to Business Day 2016. Taking part of this event will be very beneficial only if, all the rules and regulations are followed. Best said by Aeschylus, “Obedience is the mother of success, and is wedded to safety”.

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