Change | Teen Ink


April 19, 2016
By Love,Priya SILVER, London, Wisconsin
Love,Priya SILVER, London, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Life is funny isn’t it? Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, just when you finally begin to plan something, get excited about something, and feel like you know what direction you’re heading in, the paths change, the signs change, the wind blows the other way, north is suddenly south, and east is west, and you’re lost. It is so easy to lose your way, to lose direction.”

I think personally although all my articles are pretty cringe worthy I keep them up purely because of the views not that its popular but to know you guys read it ,it seems a shame to take it down since you guys took the time to read it and maybe even inspired you. My favourite has to be Judgement because I guess it finally got to that point I actually liked my look although ironically it was Goth and considering Goth is associated with such dark themes but to me it wasn’t dark it suited me and gave the opposite kind of view it put my life in colour. I outlined my eyes with kohl because well they were the thing I liked on my face and I wasn’t afraid to emphasis on it. Of course all the articles I have published on here are from a completely different person I’ve changed a lot over the course a year. Not that I have matured but in a way things change, perspectives on life change. I wrote a lot to get out my feelings as I was talking to a therapist in a way and read loads to avoid life so now it’s like I’m actually busy with life in a way. I say in a way because well I’m not it’s hard to explain but I never gave up on reading and I didn’t want to blog my life because well I never actually learnt anything from my experiences anymore or something you guys would find interesting. Unless you read my article on Gossip because I know a hell a lot of that now.  People pointed out I changed at first I thought well I like it so I don’t mind but I guess part of me does miss the stupid jokes although it wasn’t the best part of my life I had a lot going for me which is a lot more I could say than now. I had a lot more time now it feels like it’s all gone like the stopwatch already started. It felt like it was me against the world and I still feel that way now. There’s always doubts and worries in the back of my mind and in all honestly it doesn’t’ add up because most of them are me ending up looking like a mug when I already do that willingly. I mean sometimes it’s in favour of others like I’ll take the hit instead of someone else I know it’d be far worse on them. I know because I see it in them the scars, the pain what everyone else is blind to when they say something to hurt them without knowing. It’s careless; it pisses me off because they get away with it. It got to me so much I even wrote a whole article on it, you’re probably wondering where that is well I never published it because it was just hate and as much as I love ranting it wasn’t very inspirational or worth the time ,it’s very simple just don’t make sick jokes. As much as I wish I could say I’ll post regularly, it’s unknown if it’ll be next week or next month. No matter how far you go in life you’re going to change whether you like it or not and you might as well not dwell on it because life ain’t got time for that, it’s already moving onto the next chapter (as cringey as that sounds, I’ll never stop being cringey).So what I’m saying is I’m going to start teaching English to little kids obviously I’m not an expert as you can tell but as little as it is it’d be cool to help youngers and maybe start out their little writing careers. As little or as big as it is sometimes you over exaggerate the things in life to the point it could be nothing more than a fantasy, dream, an illusion so when you get it, it’s not as great as you hoped it to be that doesn’t necessarily make it a disappointment. Sometimes you just have to accept that’s how life is but I don’t think it should make you accept less or become cynical about life. But to appreciate little things of life because sometimes they’re the smallest things that can make you happy.

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