My Favorite Mistake | Teen Ink

My Favorite Mistake

April 18, 2016
By Anonymous

Having something like a favorite mistake is something that may at first seem pretty odd to have, which was completely true for me, but after thinking about this, there are quite a few mistakes that can be made as favorites. One of my favorites though is one that I had just recently made, just a few months back. It all started when we received an essay in Honors British Literature about “Paradise Lost”.

We received this essay on “Paradise Lost” on a Monday, or at least I believe it was, and the topic that we were assigned with was whether or not Satan was a hero in the epic. While this may sound like an impossible topic to cover, in the context of the poem it make a lot more sense. I mean I even agreed with him being a hero, but that doesn’t really matter right now, because it doesn’t really pertain to where the whole “favorite mistake” comes into play.

We were given time in class, basically all the time to be specific, and I just didn't do anything with it. Well, I guess I did a little as I had gotten about half of my introduction completed, but that was about it. After I had that down, along with coming up with a thought of what I was going to say throughout the essay, I called it good for the day and proceeded to just play games for the whole hour or so remaining. I can’t imagine that I was the only one who did this, but that is not the point, it’s about me and my mistake. Anyways, every single day I would tell myself that I will get some of the essay done before the weekend, but just as you would expect, I never got to it.
So the weekend comes around and I know that I have to get this essay done. On Friday night and all of Saturday, I know that I should at least get a paragraph done, because this paper is five pages long, but nope. I just blow this off and then I have to do all of it on Sunday.

On Sunday, I still didn’t have the motivation to get this whole essay done. I know that I should have done at least a little bit done, but I haven’t even looked at this since the Monday where all I did was put the introduction. So I have quite the long day of typing ahead of me. All I can do at this point is to blame myself for what I have done and get right to work.

At this point I am pretty much typing whatever I can in order to make something that seems pretty good, or at least was when I was typing it. Sometimes I was just typing to type. It wouldn’t even make sense with the argument that I am trying to make, but I'm just trying my hardest to fill up the five pages I need. Time just keeps ticking on as I’m working and out of nowhere, it is already two in the morning. Luckily I am wrapping up my paper and can finally go to sleep.

I wake up the next morning and proof read it. It looks pretty good to me so I submit it and that's that. I am completely done with the essay and can finally forget about it.

Time goes on and we get our grades back for the essay. When I look at it I see that I got a good grade on it. I’m completely ecstatic that I managed to pull off the essay, but this is where I realize why this is my favorite mistake. I taught me a couple of lessons that I could use throughout my life. The first, which is a great one, is that procrastination is never good and pretty much can only bring up stress and could cause a person to do much worse on whatever they or working on than if they took their time. The other thing I learned is that sometimes things just work out the right way, but you can’t always count on that.

To conclude, my favorite mistake has to be just recently when I procrastinated very badly on a five page essay that I had to due. It was long and grueling to finish it, but I somehow managed to do it. Ever since that though, I will try my hardest to not procrastinate, no matter how great of an idea that it appears as, because it can only get worse the longer you wait to do it.

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