Surgery | Teen Ink


March 18, 2016
By SwimmerBoy13 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
SwimmerBoy13 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

December 17th, 2015:
This was a day that I was never going to forget,
the day that I was getting my braces.
“Adam has a huge cyst in the lower left area of his mouth,” Dr. Murray said.
“What is a cyst?” my dad asks.
“I don’t know how to explain this to you, it is a sac that contains fluid. If we leave this alone this could eventually break Adam’s jaw.”
I die on the inside.
Knowing that I could break my jaw and not be able to feel the left side of my mouth is very devastating.
If my jaw breaks, I will have to get another surgery and my jaw would be wired shut.
I would look so weird and it would hurt so much,
if you have ever played Mortal Kombat X, you would understand.
There is a character named Cassie Cage.
One of her fatalities is that she breaks her opponent’s jaw and that could happen to me.
At least that is what Dr. Reinbold told me.
I prayed every day because I was very scared.

February 9th 2016:
The day of the surgery,
I couldn’t eat or drink anything six hours prior to the surgery
Imagine: you didn’t eat anything for dinner.
You decided to eat something in the morning, but you had to eat before 8 a.m.,
but then you woke up a 9:04 a.m.
Everywhere you look, there is food. The sizzling bacon, fried chicken, the juicy mangos, oily pizza, luscious adobo, hot corndogs, and sizzling steak are all ordered downstairs in the restaurant.
I could smell it all the way from my room.
At that point I just wish that I couldn’t smell.
This is how I felt on Feb. 9th, 2016.
My dad and I were waiting in the lobby.
It felt like we were waiting for days, when you are hungry you’re a different person.
I just couldn’t wait to go home so I could get something to eat.
A nurse calls me to come with her into the surgery room.
The nurse that was helping Dr. Reinbold reminded me of Mrs. Herman.
She looked exactly like her, with the long brownish hair, same facial structure, and a similar voice.
I remembered that Mrs. Herman lived in Juneau, AK,
She is the last thing that I remember,
she said that I won’t remember anything and that I have a nice vein.
After the surgery, I was supposed to go to Dr. Murry’s office and change my wires and the color bands,
I was too drowsy to do anything,

February 10, 2016:
The first thing I do is look in the mirror.
There is a huge bump on my face.
I thought that it was a pimple.
I thought wrong, it was my face swollen from the surgery.
I drank the pain killers that are supposed to help me with my pain.
I would be lying in bed and I wouldn’t remember when I went to sleep.
Before I go to sleep I had to wear a head wrap
full of ice, to protect my face so that it will help me with the swelling.

February 11, 2016:
I get my wires and color bands back on.
Dr. Murry was very happy that Dr. Reinbold didn’t break my jaw.
If you saw the picture you would understand why he was very happy.

I hope my cheek will be less swollen by the time I get back to Unalaska.December 17th, 2015:
This was a day that I was never going to forget,
the day that I was getting my braces.
“Adam has a huge cyst in the lower left area of his mouth,” Dr. Murray said.
“What is a cyst?” my dad asks.
“I don’t know how to explain this to you, it is a sac that contains fluid. If we leave this alone this could eventually break Adam’s jaw.”
I die on the inside.
Knowing that I could break my jaw and not be able to feel the left side of my mouth is very devastating.
If my jaw breaks, I will have to get another surgery and my jaw would be wired shut.
I would look so weird and it would hurt so much,
if you have ever played Mortal Kombat X, you would understand.
There is a character named Cassie Cage.
One of her fatalities is that she breaks her opponent’s jaw and that could happen to me.
At least that is what Dr. Reinbold told me.
I prayed every day because I was very scared.

February 9th 2016:
The day of the surgery,
I couldn’t eat or drink anything six hours prior to the surgery
Imagine: you didn’t eat anything for dinner.
You decided to eat something in the morning, but you had to eat before 8 a.m.,
but then you woke up a 9:04 a.m.
Everywhere you look, there is food. The sizzling bacon, fried chicken, the juicy mangos, oily pizza, luscious adobo, hot corndogs, and sizzling steak are all ordered downstairs in the restaurant.
I could smell it all the way from my room.
At that point I just wish that I couldn’t smell.
This is how I felt on Feb. 9th, 2016.
My dad and I were waiting in the lobby.
It felt like we were waiting for days, when you are hungry you’re a different person.
I just couldn’t wait to go home so I could get something to eat.
A nurse calls me to come with her into the surgery room.
The nurse that was helping Dr. Reinbold reminded me of Mrs. Herman.
She looked exactly like her, with the long brownish hair, same facial structure, and a similar voice.
I remembered that Mrs. Herman lived in Juneau, AK,
She is the last thing that I remember,
she said that I won’t remember anything and that I have a nice vein.
After the surgery, I was supposed to go to Dr. Murry’s office and change my wires and the color bands,
I was too drowsy to do anything,

February 10, 2016:
The first thing I do is look in the mirror.
There is a huge bump on my face.
I thought that it was a pimple.
I thought wrong, it was my face swollen from the surgery.
I drank the pain killers that are supposed to help me with my pain.
I would be lying in bed and I wouldn’t remember when I went to sleep.
Before I go to sleep I had to wear a head wrap
full of ice, to protect my face so that it will help me with the swelling.

February 11, 2016:
I get my wires and color bands back on.
Dr. Murry was very happy that Dr. Reinbold didn’t break my jaw.
If you saw the picture you would understand why he was very happy.
I hope my cheek will be less swollen by the time I get back to Unalaska.

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