Catastrophic Glacier | Teen Ink

Catastrophic Glacier

March 14, 2016
By Anonymous

I was on vacation with my family and family friends in Breckenridge, Colorado. We all went to St. Mary’s Glacier. It isn’t what you’d think a glacier would look like. It looks like a miniature ski slope, but quite steep. Surrounding the glacier was pure white. The glacier had the most beautiful powdery snow laid upon it. The hills on it made me extremely nervous to slide down. My brother Braden, Adam, and I walked up to the top of the glacier with our sleds to slide down it. As soon as we arrived at the top, a chilling fifteen degree wind sent a shiver down my spine. Although the sky was clear and the weather was flawless, the temperature didn’t reflect it. Our parents were waiting at the bottom of the glacier for us to come down. I was the only one who didn’t have a sled. I had a tiny blue disc. The first one to go was Adam.

“Adam, are you ready to go?” I said nervously.

“Yeah I guess so,” he said shakily.

“Alright Braden let’s count down for Adam,” I said.

“3...2...1… GO!” we said simultaneously.

And off Adam went down the glacier at a quick pace might I add. As I watched him slide down the slippery slope, I grew more and more anxious. Behind the sled was a wake of snow just like the wake of water behind a boat. Up next was my little brother. He quickly jumped onto his long red sled. I looked down to the bottom of the glacier and saw Adam hop out of his sled. My parents and his parents greeted him with joy. There was a distinct line between where the snow ends and where the rocks begin. The rocks looked pretty sharp and scary, but I brushed off my fear of the rocks and got into the mindset of going down on my tiny disc. Braden flew down the glacier with no control. He didn’t weigh a ton so he didn’t go as fast as Adam, but to Braden he thought he was traveling at the speed of light. When Braden got to the bottom he popped out of his sled onto the snow and that made me very nervous because I didn’t want that to happen to me at all. I was especially worried because I didn’t know how it would be going down the glacier on a disc.

There I stood. Alone and cold. I held my sky blue disc with all my strength. As I looked to the bottom I thought to myself, “You can do this, Jenna. The other ones did it so why can’t you?” With that in mind I put down my disc and shakily sat down on it. When I was sat comfortably on it I scooted myself towards the dip of the glacier and down I went. My heart immediately sank as I plummeted down the hill. My measly disc spun me around uncontrollably. I was now facing backwards with no way of knowing where I was going. I thought I was going to die. My first instinct was to put my arms behind me and try to create a traction to slow myself down, but of course that didn’t work. I was going way too fast. Quickly, my devilish disc spun me around the right way and the only thing I could see was my dad waving his hands at me and screaming to try and get me to stop. As I neared toward the end of the glacier my dad put his arm out in front of him and he ended up clotheslining me. As he clotheslined me he fell into the rough rocks and I soon followed. My dad a and I got up from the ground with scrapes up and down our bodies.

“Jenna, are you okay?!” my dad said in a concerned tone.

“I’m okay. I’ve got some scrapes on my arms and legs and my hands are completely numb from dragging in the snow, but for the most part I’m okay. Thanks for stopping me. Are you okay?” I said.

“Of course! I’m okay just a little bruised, nothing to worry about. The disc was not a good idea. I think it was too hard to control. So next time we won’t make that mistake again! haha!” My dad said.

Everyone else was so worried about me, but I told them all I was fine. Relieved that my dad and I were okay, we all walked down the mountain and fueled up at a restaurant. On the walk down, I was still very shaken up about what just happened. I seriously could have been hurt. Maybe a few lacerations from the sharp rocks, or maybe even some broken bones. I guess I’ll never know, but the thought really freaked me out. Since that terrifying experience, the trek down the mountain frightened me because I thought I may slip or something irrational. As soon as we sat down to eat at The Blue River Bistro, my mind started to forget about the incident that just occurred. The meal was delicious and we all laughed and carried on with the rest of this wonderful vacation.

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