To a Poem That Changed Me | Teen Ink

To a Poem That Changed Me

February 21, 2016
By JulssRivera BRONZE, Barrigada, Other
JulssRivera BRONZE, Barrigada, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will not mention the name of this particular poem or the author who wrote it, but I will mention the effect it has on me. It is about a woman. This woman lived in a society before the women were able to vote. She lived her life. It was not a life where she succeeded, nor was it a life where she failed. It was a life that gave her a purpose of being alive. It may not be exactly the same, but she even lived just like the rest of us.

This poem started out as her at a young age where she danced. Later in life, she met a man who soon became her husband. She worked a lot, as in house chores, and minor labor. When she does not work however, she reminisces about life on her own in the fields. She went through hardship and had many losses, but that never stopped her from living her life. She would say to the younger generation who complained about their life to suck it up, and move on. Based on my favorite line from the poem, “It takes life, to love life.”

My whole life, all I did was complain about my life, and sometimes blame people for my mistakes. I never truly moved on and improved in my life. Thanks to this poem, mistakes are just a part of things that help us improve ourselves. Everyone has made mistakes, and no one deserves to be misunderstood for what they have done. You just need to move on, and not take it too seriously. Your mistakes do not defy who you are. Numbers such as age, height, weight, and the amount of money you have does not defy who you are as well.

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