Experience in Saudi Arabia | Teen Ink

Experience in Saudi Arabia

January 25, 2016
By Liviasstories BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
Liviasstories BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The greatest experience of my life was moving to Saudi Arabia, a new country which I've never heard before. This change had a positive and a negative side since everything was different from what I used to know. Mainly because for a teenager there are a lot of restrictions (especially for girls) as the abaya, that you have to wear whenever you go out… In the other hand it has a lot of advantages as getting to know different cultures from all over the world. It is a very big change that I hated before, but now I am glad that I'm here.


Making the decision of moving to Saudi Arabia wasn't easy, it involved us to make the decision that could have either made a great impact or an unsatisfactory impact in our life. I remember when my father took the decision to move to Saudi Arabia, it was in 2011, when we were all having lunch my dad took a deep breath and started telling us that we had to leave our home, our country.

At the beginning it wasn't easy because of the new school, new house, new language, new friends, just everything was new. I had a lot of problems during this period, I hated this country, I knew only very few people that I could even call friends. Things got even worst as my dad got a new job in Saudi, meaning that we would have to stay more years than planned. This was a shock to me in the beginning, but what I didn't know was that after this everything would turn to the better. Thanks to my father's new job a lot of good things changed as the compound and the school, which I did not like before. The change was amazing as I met a lot of new and very nice people that turned to be really close friends that made my life here in Saudi Arabia unforgettable. Over time this country got better and better for me. What I learned was that sometimes in your life you just have to make decisions that you think are going to be awful and then they turn to be the greatest experiences of your life.

My life in Saudi Arabia changed a lot in a positive, although there is still a negative side of it. In Saudi Arabia I have learnt so many things from different cultures that when I would return to visit Spain I felt privileged because I knew many more things that my friends did not know, as for example I knew how the country Saudi Arabia is, since it is a country with 0% of tourism and not everyone has the privilege to go. In my opinion when you travel or when you move to different places to start a new life you learn so many different things and get so much more emotional and universal knowledge that helps you develop your personality; things that if you would only stay in your home country forever you would never know or experience. Honestly I feel privileged of knowing so many different things that other people do not know just because they don't have the opportunity that I had. But in the other hand sometimes I feel that I need to go back to my home country because I miss my family, my friends, and many more things there. Since this doesn't happen all the time, I can somehow handle it, but there are times that I miss it too much and the only thought I have on my min dis finally going back, at these times I miss it so much it hurts. The only consolation I have is that I am not staying here forever and that I will go back at some point. Although this might happen sometimes, all these experiences thought me that you have to enjoy every single moment of your life.

After all, I have to thank my dad for giving me this magnificent experience even though at the beginning I didn't like it. 

"Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end"

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