Advantages of Computer Literacy in My Life | Teen Ink

Advantages of Computer Literacy in My Life

January 25, 2016
By Farhan_Abdullah BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
Farhan_Abdullah BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Reading and writing is a basic skill that almost everyone in the world has. Life can be very difficult if you don't know how to read or write. In the twenty first century, something more important than writing is typing and computer literacy. Computer literacy is something not everyone in the world has. It is a special skill that only some people have. Computer literacy includes typing, searching on the web, and using social media. As a kid, I used to sit on my dad's laptop and search up general knowledge information about countries, and a lot of other general knowledge information stuff. Computer literacy empowers me by helping me in school, helping me communicate with my loved ones back home, and helping me know more about the world.

In high school, computer literacy is a skill that everyone not only wants, but needs. From checking daily homework, to using skills in an advanced graphic designing class, computer literacy is a skill that is needed. When I was young, I was not so good at working with computers. I could only do the basic things such as typing and searching the web, but when I came to high school or even middle school, things changed. I was shocked that how much computer literacy is needed. Even checking the daily homework requires some computer literacy. In grade 7, I was introduced to all these new advanced softwares in technology class. At first, I struggled using these softwares. But as years passed on, I practiced my skills by taking more technology classes, at now in grade 10, I have the basic skills needed for using high tech softwares. Computer literacy has also helped me in other classes such as english, history, math and science. Google drive is a basic necessity needed at my school. Learning how to use google drive has helped me in every single class. From writing an essay, to making a lab document in science. It is much easier and less time consuming that writing everything down on a piece of paper.

Computer literacy has helped me communicate with my loved ones from all over the world. When I was first introduced to Skype, I was fascinated to see that how easy it is to talk to people free of cost and with video calling. In Canada, I couldn't talk to my cousins and other family members back home every day, since there would be a huge phone bill at the end of the month. But when I learned to use Skype and all these other computer softwares, I could talk to family members almost every single day, free of cost. Learning how to use Facebook is also a computer literacy tool that also has helped me to see what everyone is doing. Have you ever wondered where your friend back in pre school is living 10 years later? Well, with just a single search on Facebook, you can become friends again.

Computer literacy has helped me know more about this world. With a single search on the internet, I could find a bunch of information in just a few seconds. When I hear that something has happened in the world, I can just search it on the internet and find more information. This one time I was in school, and came home and heard that there was a terrorist attack in a school in Pakistan. Shocked and desperate to know what happened, I quickly searched on the web “Terrorist attack in school Pakistan,” and found out how many children died, and how many injured in just a few seconds. Learning how to use news channels has also helped me know what is happening in the world. By watching new on TV, you can only find news happening live. But if I want to know about something that happened a few days or even months ago, I can go to a news website, and find the information I need.

Computer literacy has helped me a lot in life. It started off when I was young and I used to search up random information, and now I use it to help me in school, help me gain  knowledge and help me communicate with my loved ones around the world. Computer literacy is a very important skill.

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