Ding Dong Ditch | Teen Ink

Ding Dong Ditch

December 16, 2015
By banderson101 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
banderson101 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       My phone rings; Leah’s calling me from her lookout post in the car. “Guys he’s in the garage.” I peek around looking for the outline of a male figure. I creep over a few feet and that’s when I see him; he’s right next to me. Whenever it’s another Friday night and you’re left with nothing to do, call two of your close friends that you know will be up for anything. Who knows what situation you will be in at the end of the night?

This memorable night started with me, Leah, and Hope cruising around, wondering what in the world we could possibly do in the small town of Sedan, Kansas. We were spiritless, and we wanted something to inspirit us. We wanted to die of laughter. We wanted something that would cause us to hold our stomachs because of the sharp pains from laughing so much. So what did we do? We decided to ding dong ditch some our favorite houses.

If you live in Sedan, KS then you know just about who everyone is and where everyone lives. With that being said, the odds are that you know who lives caddy corner from the thrift store in Sedan. Well this was our first victim. Leah stayed and kept lookout in my car while Hope and I voyaged to the opposite side of the road to the house. Tucked away behind a tree Hope and I scoped out the house before we dared to knock on their door. When we thought that the road in front of the house was abandoned of cars Hope snaked onto the porch: in order to not get caught. Quickly she gave the doors a few thumps and then we dashed back to my car to safety. The three of us surveyed the house as a middle aged man approached the glass front door. He looked through the glass, searching for us. The three of us girls giggled as we watched his shoulders slump how, and he trumped to his recliner near the door. 

It gave us a thrill that made our spirits brighten; we craved more. The next two houses that we were soon to pay a visit to filled our needs. We arrived at our favorite teacher’s house. The car stayed park down the street as we approached his house. As we neared the house we walked up to the glowing window it seemed to invite us to take a peek through. But the window seemed to be as high up as the Eiffel Tower. The only way to reach it was for us to take turns hoisting each other on our shoulders. With the weight of a human on our shoulders we lost our balance a lot, leading to a lot of laughter. Through this window was a naked living room, but not the teacher we were hoping to see. We waited for the teacher; we did not see the teacher. I let hope off of my shoulders carefully and the three of us made a plan of action. We decided that we each had to knock on the door so that it was fair. First would be Hope, then Leah, and I would go last. Hope went first, she opened the screen door out of her way and knocked on the door. Not a thing happened, so it was Leah’s turn. Leah knocked quickly and then dashed back to hide behind the car with Hope. The front door opened and the teacher looked out, but then closed the door and was out of sight soon after. Then it was my turn; I was only a couple feet from the door. I chose to hide behind a tree so that I wouldn’t have to run as far as Leah and Hope did. My nerves were bouncing and I didn’t want to do it one bit. I had to because my friends already did. I trotted to the door and gave it a few quick whacks. I shot back and hid behind the tree, only a few feet from where I just ding dong ditched my teacher. I was waiting and nothing was happening. I was starting to leave my spot and walk over to Hope and Leah when swiftly the door creaked open. Out walked the teacher onto the front porch. “Please don’t look behind the tree, please don’t look behind the tree”, I whispered to myself. I wished that I would have ran behind the car with my friends instead of choosing right next to the door. What was I thinking? I tried getting so that the teacher couldn’t see my shadow, constantly readjusting my spot behind the tree, pacing around it to hide my shadow. It felt like he stood in front of his house for an eternity, until finally he turned around and disappeared. In a flash, we darted to my car.
The next person on our list was the boy that we used to all have a crush on in sixth grade. All of the girls used to think that he was the dreamiest boy to ever walk onto Earth. He was the teacher assistant for our gym class that year, Casey Spurlock. Leah decided to be lookout in the car again while Hope and I ventured out onto our next quest, searching for the best way to attack. We blitzkrieged his front door, more than once, but nothing happened. “I don’t think he is home, let’s try the back door”, Hope suggested. Off to the back door we went, but it was locked. We received no responses from knocking, we had not heard anything from Leah, and every single door was locked, including the garage. We sauntered around his house a few times, ending up at the back door. I stood behind Hope, covered by the shadow of the house while she was wiggling the doorknob to the back door. My phone rings, Leah is calling. “Guys he’s in the garage!” I’m trying to process how and when did this happen while Hope is asking me what Leah wants. I look up trying to find locate Leah sitting in the car but something steals my eye first. I see Casey a shadow a foot away from Hope, standing right beside us was Casey Spurlock. When did he get home? “Hope, he’s right there!” Hope has the most panicked look on her face, we look at each other and at the same time we both sprint away from the house. We down the back alley until we can’t run anymore. Hope calls Leah to pick us up, but Leah refuses to risk getting caught. “No, I’m not moving,” she told Hope. We walk deliberately back to the car and Leah is lying motionless and flat in the front seat of my car. We all pile into the front seat of my car and drive around his house slowly. We see him lying on the couch in full view so we keep driving by. And when we drive by, we do it in the most weirdest way. We drove with our headlights turned off, going about 5 miles per hour, with the three of us in the front seat of my small volkswagen beetle. We’re driving by another time when I receive a text from Casey Spurlock himself saying “Why don’t you come inside?” Now we are freaking out, he is on to us. Sitting in the middle of the front seat is Leah, and accidentally she knocks the gear into neutral. We have no clue what happened at first so we are just sitting there, in a dark car, revving the engine. We could never be ninjas. Once we realize that the car is in neutral, we die a little bit of embarrassment, but quickly put the car in drive, and then venture to our final destination, home. 

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