Her... | Teen Ink


December 9, 2015
By Anonymous

She was the love of my life, the one thing I could never live without. 

I met her in sixth grade, when she was the new girl. Soon after she had settled into her new town here in Missouri, we became best friends. She hung out everyday, we rode bikes around the town, and had sleepovers every weekend. We were inseparable. During the summer we swam and spent everyday together, that is until middle school came. Middle School was rough for her. She didn’t get very good grades and I was starting to think that it was because of me. We took a break from each other for awhile. But after that break was over, we were stronger than ever. We would hang out after school and play xbox. I would sit there and just stare at her. I was amazed at her beauty. When she’d catch me looking I would blush and quickly look away. She didn’t know. She didn’t know that inside I loved her.

Eighth grade came and she got a boyfriend. We didn’t hang out much outside of school because she with her boyfriend everyday. We only saw each other at school. But yet, we were the best of friends in school. Always walking together, messing around in P.E. even if we would get yelled at, make funny faces at each other in classes. When she broke up with her boyfriend, I was really happy. She was too at first, she never really liked him. But she became lonely after awhile without somebody.

Her and I started dating on February 17, 2015. I nearly died of happiness when she told me she liked girls too. She never really told me she liked me. We just hung out enough to where I knew. They way she looked at me whenever I would stare deeply into her eyes nearly made me melt every time I saw her. I was madly in love with her. After we started dating, we weren’t allowed to hang out. My mom didn’t approve. Her mom was completely okay with it. We went and saw each other behind my mom’s back and I never felt guilty once. It was worth all the trouble just to see her face. We dated for six months, we broke up just before summer was up

A few days later and it was time for High School, and I was lonely because I didn’t have her anymore. She let me go. And i’ll never be the same person again because of her. 

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