This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

November 13, 2015
By emilyrumstadt SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
emilyrumstadt SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that no one is ever completely alone. Everyone has so many people in their lives that really care about them. I have had lots of bad events happen in my lifetime, but my family, friends, and even my pets always help me get through those tough times.I know that at one point, it might seem that its only you in the entire world; you feel so alone, but trust me: you never are.

On December 8th, 2013, I lost my best friend, Lily, the guinea pig. Sounds pathetic; I know. But she was so loving and sweet, it was so hard to see her go. I felt abandoned; alone. My vision turned gray, and everything turned into one of those old movie scenes, in slow motion. I couldn’t bear being so lonely, and my other guinea pig, Tulip, noticed. She slowly crawled over to me, and looked at me, c***ing her head back and forth now and then, trying to detect what was wrong. She stayed next to me for two hours, not running away. She really loved me, and I could feel it. I knew how much she cared, and I forgot how alone I felt, and really felt loved. I was never alone.

Last month, my parents decided to get a divorce, and I felt my gray haze move back into my mind. I couldn’t hear anything but my own weeping at night alone in my room. I felt as if someone had taken my best and most wonderful memories and shredded them to bits. In simpler words, I was devastated, and I couldn't think to do anything else than hide away in my own sorrow and shut down all the happiness that tried to come into my mind. By that time, I had lost my other guinea pig, Tulip, and I now had my rabbit Rose. She wasn’t quite warmed up to me yet, so the best she could do to comfort me was to look at me with a sad look, then forget about it and keep eating.

At this point, I knew that no one understood how I felt, or wanted to talk about it without bursting into tears, especially my family. I have had my favorite teacher for three years now, my orchestra teacher, Mrs. Stuart. She noticed how down I was, and stopped the class to ask me if I was ok. I couldn’t take any more sadness, so I changed my attitude and faked a smile, then nodded, to assure her that I was fine, even though clearly I wasn’t. She could see the pain flowing in my eyes though, and she gave me a sorrow-filled look. I burst into tears while the others stared at me in confusion. Mrs. Stuart talked me through everything, some very random things too; and eventually got me to stop crying. She even made me smile. At this point, I knew that I was never alone, I just didn’t see who was really there for me.

I believe that no one is ever truly alone. You just have to keep your head up, and those caring, loving people or pets will find you, to help you through your tough times.

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