Two Sided Introduction | Teen Ink

Two Sided Introduction

October 26, 2015
By Anonymous

Hi there, this is the depression speaking. I’ve been thinking recently about imperfection. How did I come across this topic? An art teacher once wanted a reflexion on a portfolio project, one of the questions we could answer was, “If you had more time, what could you have done better?” I wanted to answer nothing, but that sounded rude. Not because it was perfect, it was because my motivation level was so low that even if I tried, it wouldn’t be “perfect”. She asked for roughs, to see what we had changed and how well we planned it out. It drove me crazy. Thinking that everything has- had, to be perfect and planned out. That there couldn’t be any spontaneity in a thing like art. It kind of put me down for a bit.

Hi there, this is the real me speaking. After that incident, my boyfriend texted me, “Stay spontaneous dear…” It made me look at the other side and say, screw perfection. I didn’t need it. I needed to be who I am, not who some art teacher that I’ll forget after a few years, thinks of me after one small project. I realized that in that message, it screamed BE TRUE TO YOURSELF. Maybe that art teacher expectations of me, but sometime you have to sit back and ask yourself if it is really worth the headache. Or even the breakdowns. Do it because it feels right…

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