Depression | Teen Ink


October 18, 2015
By Anonymous

Dear Depression
He walks down a long, dark, narrow  corridor. Large gloomy doors recessed in the wall. The carpet pulled back, and disintegrating, the once bright red colour, now faint, and black. A light, at the end of the hallway, bald and flickering. He realizes, that this place he was brought to was his own mind. Trapped in his eternal prison of thought. He can see no way out. He is following nothing, thinking nothing, wandering into nothing. He can see others outside of his prison, shining, and colourful, bright and glaring, but when he looks inward he sees nothing, no hate, no love, no happiness, he can't even claim to be sad.

She can see nothing, all is black to her, yet she feels that colour is all around. She can feel the light when others cannot. She is the embodiment of love, peace, and rejuvenation. She strolls down a wide path of white marble, that gives off its own light and warmth. She can sense bays, to other people's souls, and provides opportunity, to everyone, everywhere. Her passage is not a defined one, it leads everywhere, and nowhere, but she is never lost.

She comes upon a dark and faded door, alone and secluded from the world. He sees a bright and colourful door, wondering why such an object would exist. She reaches for the handle. He sees the knob turning slowly. She pushes open the door, and is faced with a shadow. He looks out, and is shocked. Why would anyone wish this upon themselves. She rushes forward and embraces the shadow. The embrace has changed him. The black and smothering veil of nothingness is lifted, and he feels, for the first time in forever happiness and love. He looks into himself and sees something blooming, a dark red pulsing light. He has been liberated.

This was me, trapped in a hallway that never ends. My life crumbling away, you  would never guess it. I always had a smile on my face, always ready to crack a joke, and I was always there for everyone else, but I was alone. Then she showed up out of the light. So this is a reminder to me, my friends, my family, and to everyone, Someone will be there for you, in the most unlikely of places.


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