The Weightless Ton | Teen Ink

The Weightless Ton

October 16, 2015
By yasser1013 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
yasser1013 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I may not become a true superman,
but this story may attract a few fans.
It was a cold night in Egypt. My father and I had decided to go to one of the beach houses, we packed our bags and loaded them into the car one of the building housekeepers came to my father to wish us a safe trip as she did so he gave her 20 American dollars,  as she takes it she looks at us with sadness and admiration she says how come you always care for me when my family never did, how come you fed me when I had no food, how come you loved me when no one else would. My father then replies because you are my family not threw blood but by heart. Ive always known he was a good man but later that day is what made me realize truly how great he was. As we were on the road the sun began to arise as we were admiring the great beuty of the sky a bus driving side by side with us flips. Without any hesitation my father stops on the breaks and rushes out of the car. The cars around us began to do the same thing. As I looked out the window I notice the people in the bus began to empty out except for a old lady stuck underneath one of the seats. I heard murmurs saying its too late. No one helped. Except my dad he got out of the car and ran to the bus. As he grabbed the edge he struggled to left it. I ran to him and tried to help, nothing but when I turn to my left I notice more and more people came the bus became to move until finally the woman crawled out.

The author's comments:

true story.

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