He Broke Me | Teen Ink

He Broke Me

September 26, 2015
By Anonymous

He broke me. Without even touching me, he managed to break every piece of dignity in my body. He managed to beat my heart to pieces while pulling out every last trace of my self-esteem. He’d kick my brain around like a soccer ball giving me a series of intense concussions. My once strong limbs grew weak as he endlessly dragged me around in circles.  My feet became so burnt from the hot stones of which I quickly tried to run across in hopes of escaping his coldness. 

But there was no escape from him, so the stones continued to burn at my feet and eventually I wasn’t able to walk. But the worst was when my once light days soon turned gray. I was blinded by his darkness making me unable to see. I traveled through the dark with no sense of direction. And when a small light suddenly beamed, I was given hope. So I exerted all the strength I had left in my body in high hopes of reaching the light. But that light was only a falsification, a trap which made me fall deeply into a dark pit.

He had laid false hope in front of me and I so foolishly fell for it. I tried to scream and shout for help but my screams made no sound for I had lost my voice, lost my say. There was nothing to be said anyways, for my days of knowing what to say had long passed away. No light was ever shown in this pit and there was no ladder leading to my escape. There was only him, belittling me as he laughed at how I’d never break free. I once had a strong heart and extreme confidence. I once was smart with a stable brain. And I once was unbreakable, but now I am nothing but weak and vulnerable. He broke me, and he didn't even have to touch me. 

The author's comments:

Your self worth should never be vauled and determined by someone else's standards. Know who you are and never let someone take advanatage of you because if you don't, you'll end up like me. Once it starts, it won't stop until every time you stare into a mirror you will feel nothing but disgust. Love yourself and love someone who loves you just as much as you love them. 

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