Better Than You | Teen Ink

Better Than You

May 27, 2015
By Pirateman72 BRONZE, Deerfield, Ohio
Pirateman72 BRONZE, Deerfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Champions believe in themselves when no one else does.

It was crazy, I never thought that it would be me. Almost everyday, Mom would leave for work and that’s when it began. My dad always said it was because I acted up, but even when my brother would act up I would be the one that got hit. I was only six, I didn’t understand why I was constantly getting hit. I wouldn’t say my dad is an abusive parent but he did abuse me. The last time he abused me was when my mom walked in on him choking me. It was just a regular day, mom was working third shift and it was dad’s turn to watch us. It was only my older brother and I. My brother and I was playing baseball in the house when I knocked over the lamp running to the base. The lamp ended up breaking. My older brother ran and hid. I didn’t run fast enough.


My dad snagged me up and held me against the wall by my throat. That second, I thought that it was it. He was so mad, I could feel the anger tightening around my neck. I don’t think I was ever that scared. I looked into his eyes and I just started crying. The only thought that was going through my head was how was I going to get away.
If it wasn't for my mom getting off work early, I don't think I would be here. My mom filed for a divorce that week. My older brother treated me like crap after that. He was a daddy’s boy, I could tell. He wouldn’t play baseball or anything with me anymore after that.


He also got my other brothers to pick on me because I am a momma’s boy. I've just learned to ignore it. I am mother’s boy and I am going to embrace it.


Now 12 years later my older brother and I still don’t have that good of a relationship but I really don’t worry about it. They also still say things about me and my mom but it’s whatever .What they don’t understand is that I didn’t want them to get a divorce, I just wanted him to stop hitting me.


As I get older I look back on that as an example of what I will never be. When i'm ready to have a kid I will make sure that my kids never are in harm's way and I will strive to be a better parent than my dad.

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