Changing My Ways | Teen Ink

Changing My Ways

May 1, 2015
By MarisahCroakman SILVER, West Valley, New York
MarisahCroakman SILVER, West Valley, New York
9 articles 1 photo 6 comments

I was always the type of girl to wear sweats and hoodies to school: no make-up and  hair in a bun. I told myself I didn't care what people thought of me, but honestly, I was so insecure. That all changed my freshman year of high school. I’d look in the mirror and see something I didn't like, at all. I needed a major change in my life. It just had to happen. I wanted people to look at me and not think, “She obviously doesn't care.” So, I changed my ways.
Wearing make-up and straightening my hair was my new routine. I never wore sweats to school, but I made an exception for yoga pants. Feeling more comfortable with myself was my goal and I thankfully achieved that goal. And I loved it. I finally felt like my life was changing for the better. And it was. I started to change my style, and now with a whole new wardrobe came a new me. If I would've known what the change would do to my life I wouldn't have waited as long as I did. You look at the old me and the me today and you would never know that I was the person I was two years ago.

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