Aspect of My Life | Teen Ink

Aspect of My Life

April 1, 2015
By Samuel Keeler BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Samuel Keeler BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The aspect of my life that goes unnoticed is my work ethic. My parents commend me for my attention to detail, but outside of my immediate family, people don’t know that about me. Whether it’s homework or yard work, I put my full focus on completing a task before I move on to the next one. I can not remember a time that I did not finish all my homework on a school night. Homework simply takes effort and it isn’t a big deal to spend some time doing what is expected of you. The reason I have this quality is undoubtedly from my stepfather, Robert. In the years that he has been a part of my life, I have been taught how far one can go in life’s tasks, if you just put forth the necessary effort. For instance, writing this short statement only takes around fifteen minutes to write, but only good things will come from putting in more time and more effort. No matter the individual abilities that someone may possess, lacking in one category can be made up for with increased effort. This quality can go further than the classroom and your home life, it can help you in every aspect of your life. I think there are two types of people in the world, the ones who get out of bed, and the ones who hide under the covers. Throughout my middle school years, I was the opposite of a morning person. Ever since my stepdad has come into my life, I wake up every morning with a mission. The moment my alarm rings, I fly out of bed and begin my day.

The author's comments:

Everyone has room where they can improve it is just about finding out and accepting that you have room to grow

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