Life Without Legs | Teen Ink

Life Without Legs

March 23, 2015
By Anonymous

Everyday I walk, run from base to base all the way home, leap like a ballerina across the dance floor...use my feet. I never realized how special legs and feet were until I couldn't use them.I never realized how lucky I was till the day I was in a wheelchair myself and couldn't do anything. Even if it was only a month of my life it felt like forever, and some people do have to live without legs forever which made me open my eyes and understand life from a paralyzed persons point of view. My world was disintegrating by the second as I realized more and more things i wasn't able to do.

My ambitious grandfather who's paralyzed from the waist down with no feelings in that area. Losing the mobility in his legs has never stopped him in life. Maybe one day he'll even be in the Paralympic Games, a major international multi-sport event involving athletes with a range of physical disabilities. The person he is and how he pushed through his rough times in life taught me to never give up, never take advantage, and just slow down and enjoy life. He has inspired me to a whole new level in my life.

Just being able to feel my feet is an extravagant advantage, but being able to put them to use is an irreplaceable, life changing experience. I don't believe you'll fully be able to understand or realize unless it's happened to you. Sitting there day after day watching the other kids play outside laughing, smiling, and using their legs. It led me to believe that you should never give up even when you hit rock bottom.

Now just going for a walk I affectionately stare at my blissful legs watch them step one by one. Whenever I go to the beach I look at my content feet in the soothing sand and feel the cold ocean water on my legs, never not enjoying a second of the freedom and power I have with these legs of mine. You never really understand how important such a little aspect of your body can be until you can't use it anymore, it's a life changing experience.

I always live by the motto "stop and smell the roses" in response to this wretched adventure with no legs. Slow down and basically enjoy a walk, enjoy a run, cool off by taking a swim. I don't take anything for granted because I'm one of the luckier people so why waste time being miserable? I'm always looking on the bright side of things knowing my life's good with my healthy legs. Everyday I walked not thinking about having no authority in how my legs worked, but who ever thinks about that?

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