Invisible | Teen Ink


January 28, 2015
By Dallie BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Dallie BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
We have to hurt in order to know
Fall in order to grow
Lose in order to gain
Because all life's lessons are taught through pain.

    I know that you think you know me, but you don't, you never did. You would always ignore me when I would try to talk to you, neglect me of the insurance and love I needed. You were never there for me, because you just assumed I was alright on my own. You always just thought everything was fine while in fact I felt invisible. No one seemed to want to talk to me, especially you, do you even realize how alone and isolated I felt? And when I found others who accepted me and were like what a family was supposed to be, loving and forgiving, what did you do? You took them away from me and threw me back into the darkness, not even wondering why I had sought them out in the first place. Why I had become so attached to them. It's because of you! You hurt me and you left me! So I hope you are happy when you finally figure out that I have crumbled and almost nothing left remains of me! I am dead now because of you. So let me go, stop forcing me to stay together and release me for all I am is skin and bones now. Let me dissolve back into the dust I was created from, and let me be free. I am gone now because of you when you made me invisible.

The author's comments:

This about what I felt like a couple years back, and I am finally telling there person who caused my pain about how they hurt me. I hope you enjoy this monlouge! :)

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