Adoption | Teen Ink


January 14, 2015
By kayla.emery BRONZE, Benton, Kentucky
kayla.emery BRONZE, Benton, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are so many children in the world that do not have a home. Two years ago, my parents had just finished going through all of the classes for fostering. October 2013, we got a call from our social worker that we were going to be getting two little kids. I was so excited about it and I could not wait to get a new little brother and sister. Last September, we adopted those same two kids and our lives haven’t been the same, but in a good way. It was so crazy to think that we used to be a family of five but now we are a family of seven. It’s so crazy to ever think that a mother and a father would ever want to give up a child. There are so many people in the world that give up their children and not care. But I am so honored to be able to say that my family was able to participate in helping children and bringing them into a family. It is an amazing opportunity and I hope one day people realize that it is so amazing. 

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