Why Did I Do It | Teen Ink

Why Did I Do It

January 13, 2015
By nightskylar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
nightskylar BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I Find Kate Foray's article "Why Did I Do It" very truthful. It describes a problem many face in life, the problem of choosing who they want to be. Her article also informed me of some intresting information I was not aware of. She said, " You establish personality, memory, and personhood." In the second grade. I can relate to that fact because I remember discovering my love of music that year. Along with the article being informative, it is also a moving story of a young girl. She is probably around age seven, and decided that she would stand up for herself and what she loved, at the time books, against a bully. Kate's article is one anyone can relate to and I thank her for that.

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