Father | Teen Ink


December 4, 2014
By Ramzus BRONZE, Plymouth, New Hampshire
Ramzus BRONZE, Plymouth, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Through out my life I have had a great relationship with my father. When I was young he would do everything he possibly could with me and spend as much time with me as possible. Even though he got divorced from my mom when I was only 2 years old when this happened he still came and spent time with me. My father and I have had the father son relationship for all my life, are relationship has had its ups and downs but we worked through them. My father to me is a role model and a friend.
When I was young, my father took me everywhere such as Maine, Mass, Vermont, Canada, and all over New Hampshire. When I was at this young age my father was only in his early 20s and instead of doing what most men in their 20s would do such as party and do stupid things my father instead worked, paid his bills and spent time with me. I didn’t know it then but looking back now I see my dad acted very mature for his age and had his priorities straight. Also when I was a kid we would do things together such as go to Maine to see the ocean or fly kites or just go around looking at the sites.
As the years passed, we did more things such as fishing, dirt biking, Motorcycle rides, and more. Also as time went on I began to see how much I really meant to my dad, because I’m his only kid. Also these were the ages where he took me to Storyland and things like that every weekend I was with him. I can remember the first time he let me fish alone with my own fishing pole on the dock at my grandfathers camp. I cast out and got a bite and pulled it in and got my first fish without help and him taking a picture and smiling at me. These are the kinds of things I look back on and just think on how lucky I am to have a dad like him.
As I got older and time passed our relationship changed, he got married to my step mother and from there on our relationship was never the same. I fought with my step mother every time I came to see him till I turned 16. My dad told me I didn't have to come over if I didn't want to, so I never did till my 18th birthday and I told him why I stopped coming over. This caused us to talk for a long time, and helped us to start talking again. Today we talk at least once a week and see each other once a month and it feels good to have my father back in my life.

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