Livelihood | Teen Ink


November 30, 2014
By AmalR BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
AmalR BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Appreciate the world around you. Spend some time outside. Take a break from everything. Soak it all in. Appreciate the trees in your backyard. The small flowers lining your porch. The way the blades of grass dance in the wind. Notice the group of birds who sit by your windowsill and sing you awake every summer morning. Listen to your neighbor raking the leaves in the fall only to watch them being scattered again by the exuberant neighborhood children. Value the time your grandmother takes to make your favorite meal each time you visit her. Feel the winter air bite at your cheeks. Don’t flinch away from the snowflakes collecting in your eyelashes. Memorize the smell of your mother’s flower buds blossoming in the spring. Cling to it all. Remember it. Appreciate it.


Thank the teenager who holds the door open for you. Give up your seat on public transportation for the elderly. Don’t just toss your spare change to the homeless, talk to them. Learn their name. Their story. Smile at someone. Anyone. Everyone.


Appreciate the world around you.

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