Ball is Love, Ball is Life | Teen Ink

Ball is Love, Ball is Life

November 6, 2014
By JennMarie BRONZE, Hemet, California
JennMarie BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"

Softball, the sport that gives my life meaning. The sport that can release my stress and make me forget the disturbance of my day. It all starts with the step on the smooth white-chalked dirt. That step that reminds me of what I was born to do.

 Softball is not just a game I play for fun, it puts me in the mental state that if you make a mistake, you can always fix it next time or the next play. I personally have taken a lot of benefits out of all the playing time I've done. Any softball player will know that you can't let one mistake change your attitude. It's all about making the play, and 10 seconds later forgetting it because you still have more innings, and more chances to learn from your mistake. You don't want to be that player that has the worst attitude because that attitude will have a domino effect on your team mates.Causing more frustrations and uneccessary agruments.

  That's the benefit of playing softball though, you learn to not stick with your mistakes and you make the changes to decrease your chances of doing it again. Same with any social issue, you can't let your down fall moment drag you down and make you think you just suck. You don't suck, you just are in the process of successfulness. Just because you strike out swinging doesn't mean you cost the game, it means you tried. You made the effort to swing and hit instead of letting your guards down after two strikes.

  The mind of softball player is powerful, we tend to have creative ideas, for example when making a play for the out, your team thinks of a plan to catch the other team off guard, to make them distracted. It's not a conversational plan, it's planned that can be made in a matter of 10 seconds. Knowing where to go and when to go and how it will be done. Who knew one sport could offer simple life lessons in general about attitude and confidence.

  Softball players do it better, don't they? No. All sports and athletes have the same benefits offered. Basketball, soccer, football, tennis, and every other sport all put athletes in the state of mind of forgetting your mistakes. We all have powerful minds, we all are able to come with creative plays, we are athletes, but we are not perfect, we all make mistakes.

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