Going to ASOMEX | Teen Ink

Going to ASOMEX

October 30, 2014
By Daniel Guzman BRONZE, Monterrey, Mexico, Other
Daniel Guzman BRONZE, Monterrey, Mexico, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all began in a soccer practice when the coaches told us “We are going to athleticism trials in guadalajara.”


Then the other coach said “Today we are going to do the thr track trials”that we some of us were going to go to athleticism ASOMEX in Guadalajara. When I heard that news I really wanted to go o Asomex and to Guadalajara. We started to make the trials at the athleticism field. I ran but didn’t make it. I felt very depressed because I had much excitement to go to ASOMEX and I didn’t make it I got super depressed like a kid who wants something for a long time and doesn’t get it . Next day I came to soccer and the coaches said “We did the running trials, now we are going to do the field trials, not the track trials.” We went to the field and we tried the Cannonball trial. We tried each of us 2 times. The first time nobody did good. But the second time 2 of us got to the second round. It was and me. After the 3rd try the coaches went to mesure and I won by very little. I was going to ASOMEX!

From that point on I practiced the Cannonball, and the disc in the athleticism field every soccer practice. In the weekends I took those 2 things to my grandmas house to practice to. I was putting lots of effort towards the ASOMEX. meanwhile my dad and my athleticism coach told me tips on how to make better the throw for the 2 types of events. For the Cannonball was the strength and the impulse I had in my body. And for the disc, it was having very quick spins and stretching the arms as far as I can and get the disc out of my hand just in time to throw it.

The time kept passing and ASOMEX was getting closer each time. Finally it was 1 night before the trip to ASOMEX. I got really nervous with my dad. I started to tell him   “ Dad, i am very nervous, I don’t know if I am going to win, and I don’t know if I am not good enough because I am going vs. people from Guadalajara, Mexico d.f, pachuca etc.”  Then my dad answered...

“ Daniel don’t worry, you are good enough, I know you are gonna win this, for this is what you worked really hard this past weeks.”
“Yes, you are right” I answered.
“Always remember, think you can do it” My dad answered


Finally, the day had came, the day we went to ASOMEX. My mom and dad came with me to the airport. My dad came with us to the airport. There we met the other guys who were going to ASOMEX to. It was Juan Pablo Gzz, Gabriel Najera, Enrique Perez, Danny, Maria, and Betty, and some other persons from other generations. My dad left us and we said “Goodbye we will miss you”

“I will miss you to” He said, so I gave him a hug. My mom was coming with me to ASOMEX. We got to the plane..... When we got to Guadalajara we went directly to the hotel. There we met Aldo de Nigris who came for Valentina S. a girl from 8th grade. I took a picture with him. Then we headed to a restaurant in a type of shopping plaza but from guadalajara. We ate, then we stayed there still night. We ate dinner, then returned to the hotel. We had a meeting in the night they told us that tomorrow where the competitions, then we went to bed.


Next day it it was the ASOMEX competitions. I competed in disc that day. We went to eat breakfast at like 6:00 am. After that we got on a bus and all of the schools ASOMEX went to the stadium where the JUEGOS PANAMERICANOS were. When we got there we received the time when we were going to compete. Some guys like Gabriel Najera had to run because the competition was right away. But my competition was like at noon, and one the next day.

Meanwhile I started practicing, the hours past and it was time for me to compete. Everyone wished me luck, my mom said “ I know you can do it Daniel.” we passed to a little room and we went to the field. I went with Marcelo Lobo to, a kid 1 generation bigger than me, but he was competing with his generation. When we got to the disc field it resulted we had to throw it in middle of a cage.

We had 1 practice throw, when I did mine I throwed it against the cage. I got super nervous. Then it started, my heart started pumping I thought My heart was going to jump outside me for so much nervousness, when I did my 1st throw I throwed it again to the cage. Then I saw the others throwing it good and some to cage as me. My second throw came and I got prepared. I threw... 23 meters far, I was in 1st place. by then. Then it was my third throw but I was still in 1st. I made the throw and it was 26 meters far, but the disc got outside the area by centimeters. But I still had the 1ST PLACE!!!  My mom was shouting from far away “VERY GOOD DANIEL! WOOW!!”

after I went to the award ceremony for that day. They gave me the medal. We went to eat, then to the hotel. The next day got there, it was the Cannonball competition. A the same as the first day I practiced until the competition. When I went to compete it was the same 3 throws.

I got there really nervous, but when I got there I got a surprise... The cannonballs were much smaller than the ones that I practiced with. We got the practice throw, I did 9 meters and in the one that I practiced with I did 7!!! I got a lot more confident than with the disc. I started. My first throw I did 10, the others did less. the second I did 8, I was still in 1st, but in the second throw guy from el ingles did 9.66 so I got worried that in the 3rd throw he reached the 10 meters to. I got my third throw and it was 9.84 so I got really worried. The guy did it third throw and.... 9.86!!!  I won the cannonball category! After they gave me the medal my mom told me that she was really proud of me. She called my dad, I told my dad, and he got really excited to. The competitions ended and I wished to see my family, after ASOMEX we went to pf changs in guadalajara. we ate, returned to our hotel, and we slept. The last day got by, it was ASOMEX closure. we went to the stadium and past threw everybody.


When we returned to Monterrey, there was my father and my brother, and sister waiting for me and my mom at the airport My dad and my family told to me, “We are all proud of you, Daniel”,

Then my dad told me, “Told you Daniel, you can do it.” ASOMEX was an amazing experience. It was an experience that left me the lesson that I should always trust in me and never give up towards my goals, and fight for what I want. I will never forget that.

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