Moving With My Dad | Teen Ink

Moving With My Dad

October 29, 2014
By Vincent33 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Vincent33 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
it takes courage to grow up for who you realy are

I pack my things coming from my house and I had been living with her for 13 years and I regarded  that it was about time to stay with my dad for a couple of years until I was grown .The next day I arrive at my dads house for the summer  because it was the end of the seventh grade year.

Then when I entered the summer  I started back playing with my AAU basketball team we had over 15 tournaments of straight basketball .We had won over 15 huge trophies .Then we had primetime nationals the biggest tournament for AAU basketball we sadly lost in third after that a month later we had went to sea world for the waterpark .Then when I came back from sea world I went shopping now I was ready for school .

Then when I got to school  I met new friends .the next day I started playing football and now im playing football for a good school year. Then everyday when I g home I eat a snack then I go outside until  seven . Then when I come home I eat dinner  ,take my bath, watch tv and go to sleep. Then the next day I eat breakfast .Then I get ready for school and come home . That’s the way I have to be treated at my dad's house.

The author's comments:

this piece about moving with my dad.I move with my dad for a better school

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