Tragedy in a Mirror | Teen Ink

Tragedy in a Mirror

September 27, 2014
By JennMarie BRONZE, Hemet, California
JennMarie BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game"

Don't think that just because some unlikely tragedy happened to a fellow citizen, doesn't mean it will happen to you. This the story of a young usual teen Cory. Cory was well-conducted and knew where life was taking him, but as any individual, he believed that nothing could go wrong. Not in generally but the rare cases of wrong.

 However, in Denver, Colorado lived a miserable and heart-broken family. They recently had lost their son the most unforgettable way. Out of all ways to die, Gabriel died by the strike of lightning during a common Colorado storm. His family has been living in grief and pain every day, being tormented by their conscience telling them, "What if" or "Why.." The quick death of Gabriel happened when the family was driving home from a family renunion. They believed the storm was not severe and unlikely for a strike to hit the exact target where they had been driving. As thinking of the usual "nothing could go wrong," Gabriel couldn't hold his unusally small bladder and did a side stop off the road. He was about 20 feet away of the vehicle and in the blink of an eye, you see flames as red as blood. As bright as the day time sun that burned your eyes. It happened. Gabriel was nearly struck by the zap of the lightning and died within an instant. His body lay there in the sizzling flames was the end of it.

Cory has heard about the tragic death three months after it occured. Living in Southern California, he had no thoughts of anyone ever getting killed by lightning. The news of Gabriel swarmed nationally. Warning those who live in such domestic weather conditions be careful. Most people of all ages would be eye-opened and aware of such news, especially if it involves a death of an innocent being. As for Cory, he went on through his days thinking it was just a coincidence, and where he settles makes it unlikely for an accident like that to happen. Specifically to him.

Windy and stormy hazards have it for the month of December in California. Cory hasn't had any thoughts of the death of Gabriel and like all human beings, we never expect the unexpected. By now we know what happens to Cory. Late Saturday night, Cory decided to walk home from his "study time" but really went to a party.  He couldn't get a ride home because the car would be bright and loud waking up his parents. Soon they would punish him for thereason being it's passed his curfew. As Cory was about five blocks away, it started to sprinkle little rain drops. Which then conversed into hard pouring drops. Cory was way beyond off the topic of him simultaneously dying. But it happened. Cory felt the seconds of agony, the feeling of electric bolts powering through his body. Leaving him in the same situation as a certain someone. His passing was tragic, but it was like looking at the same incident twice.

Awhile later Cory had awaken in a black cubed room with only a center stage light. Beaming on a haunting looking mirror. Looking in the mirror for who he thought he'd see his reflection. saw Gabriel instead. Both having the body of corpse and severe burn marks on their bodies, left Cory knowing he is not physically appeared anymore. He was left as a spirit who rhombs the world he never adventured.

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