Music | Teen Ink


June 6, 2014
By rjimead BRONZE, Madison, Connecticut
rjimead BRONZE, Madison, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twelve years ago, I was forced into piano lessons. After five lessons I was playing "Camp Town Races" at a recital. My instructor said I "raced through that piece". meaning I played it way too fast during the recital. Music has changed my life in many ways and will change your life too. Learning music theory at an early age is a good idea. The Musicians should know their scales by heart from C to C flat and from C to C sharp Major and they should also know their relatives minors. The fingering for the scales is extremely important. My current piano teacher threatens to turn into a green fingering ogre if I do incorrect fingering. Practicing is a big key to making good music. Here are three good tips for practicing: use a metronome,make sure you do not just skip over mistakes! and count. That is my big issue with music right now and for eleven years of my piano teacher and four years of my organ teacher telling me. They are both saying the same thing is to COUNT aloud and it is my nemesis. Listening to my favorite composers inspirers me to play their pieces. My favorite composers are: Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart George Frederic Handel, Charles-Marie Widor, John Rutter, John Philip Sousa, Scott Joplin, Gioachino Rossini . As you can see, I am an classical kind of person so I really do not know and famous pop or rap or hard metal groups,but I do know a lot of classical composers. along with the piano and the pipe organ I also play: bass clarinet,clarinet,sing in the the choir of men and boys in New Heaven as a bass, play drums,ukekalele ,and guitar. Join music class because it is well worth it and it will change your life forever!

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