My Big Bear Experience | Teen Ink

My Big Bear Experience

June 2, 2014
By Noah Mulhern BRONZE, Coronado, California
Noah Mulhern BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I once fell in a pond. Not your ordinary pond. This was a really big pond. I was on my first trip to Big Bear, and I was on a bike ride with my dad, uncle, and my cousin. Since Big Bear is one big mountain, there was many tough rides uphill and fun riders downhill. I was riding when went down a really steep hill. I was going so fast I felt like I was superman. On my way down I got something called speed wobble, it makes it so you start to lose control of your vehicle.I tried to stop by turning but it was to late, I flew into the pond.My cousin laughed at me and I started to cry. With all my hate and anger I stood up, and rushed towards him. I shoved him into the pond with me. He started to cry and I started to laugh now. My dad and his dad were laughing to. I will never forget this moment in my life.

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