My Winter Night | Teen Ink

My Winter Night

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

It’s a cold winter night, I’m sitting in my warm car driving around the back roads. My boyfriend, who stands about six foot tall and has short, light brown hair, stands next to me. The song ‘Play it again’ by Luke Bryan is blasting on the radio. He’s singing to the song with his somewhat deep voice. He knows I’m not having a good day and I’m stressing out more than ever.

He grabs my hand. I feel his rough sandpaper hands but I don’t care, all I can think about is how good the night is going. He stops the car in a church parking lot, looking at me with his hazel green eyes. He turned the music down.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

“I’m fine. I’m having fun riding around and listening to music with you,” I reply.

“That’s good, I am too,” he says.

He turned the music back up and started driving. He’s singing again and I think to myself about how fun my time is with him even after a long, stressful day. He always seems to put me in a good mood. We finally turn onto a road that has stores around and subdivisions everywhere. We pull up to my house, and we get out to walk inside, through the cold. He grabs me and hugs me.

“I really do hope you are doing better,” he says.

“I am, all because of you,” I reply. “You definitely made my night fun and made me look at my day better, feeling like my stress was for no reason. Thank you so much.”

“Good, you're welcome,” he says, as we hug again and walk inside.

At that point, I notice how good of a boyfriend he really is. He can always make me feel better by the end of the night.

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