Writing Struggles | Teen Ink

Writing Struggles

May 19, 2014
By Melina Nguyen BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
Melina Nguyen BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it’s the answer to everything… It’s the streaming reason for living. To note, to pin down, to create, to be astonished at nothing, to cherish oddities, to let nothing go down the drain, to make something, to make a great flower out of life, even if it’s a cactus.” –Enid Bagnold

I’m not going to lie. I hate writing. Essays and writing projects are not my cup of tea. If I’m writing for my own good, for my own thoughts, it’s a whole different story. That’s why this quote stood out to me. It’s saying that your thoughts are what is best to write about. The stories that you create with your imagination or own experiences make the best stories.

I agree with this quote because it explains what writing actually is. The part where it says “to let nothing go down the drain” is more powerful than what meets the eye. Basically, write all your ideas and thoughts down. Something that you may think is dumb, could be the greatest story plot of all time to someone else.

The end of the quote is what stood out to me the most. I agree with it a lot. “To make a great flower out of life, even if it’s a cactus.” Always remember there’s good in all bad. Even though the world may be cruel, and society is judgmental, make the best of it. And always put your thoughts and words on paper, because they count for a lot more than you think.

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