Dear, Mom and Dad. | Teen Ink

Dear, Mom and Dad.

May 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear, Mom and Dad.

I know its been a while since we have talked. I know it might be a long time until we do get to talk again so I’m going to try and explain my feelings about our situation.
Abandonment has become one of my greatest fears. Losing someone I love and care about is one of the most painful things in the world. Because there is no remedy, no bandages or stents to fix a broken heart. It leaves me feeling: empty, lost and confused as to why it had to happen to me.

The first time I was abandoned was by you dad, an abusive drunk, you got arrested and I’ve never seen you again. I later heard you fought to keep me,so that when you got out you could gain some sort of custody over me but the courts wouldn’t let you.

And then there is you mom. You were in and out of my life leaving me with that feeling multiple times. Then one day that changed, You dropped me and Brianna (my sister if you don't remember) off at a daycare. Brianna ran off to go play. As I started to run to the door my you called me back “ mijo venga aqui.” I walked over to your side of the car and said “Yes, mommy” you said “ I love you mijo don't you ever forget that. Now go play.” So I ran off to go play.

Around five o'clock you would usually come to pick us up. You did not show, minuets turned to hours seven o’clock, eight , nine. They finally called your sister to come and pick us up..

At around 10 she came to pick us up, my sister and I were so confused and tired we fell asleep in car on top of each other.

We stayed with her for about a year until she couldn't take care of us, we got put up for adoption. We then got adopted and moved to Michigan. I also changed my name in the adoption process.

I’ve dealt with being abandoned by many different people since then, either forced or them choosing to. It has made me weaker and stronger at the same time.

I've become more independent because of it, but it makes it kinda hard to form new relationships. When someone says they will be there for me. I will always the slightest doubt that they will leave.

Whenever my adopted mom would go to work everyday or on a business trip I would always be scared she wouldn't come back. These thought haunt me and always will. My adopted mom would always promise me that she would, she promised me that there was no other place in the world she'd rather be then with me.. her son

Love, your son

Thank you for everything. Its made me who I am today. I love you both no matter what.

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