Pointe | Teen Ink


April 2, 2014
By Emily25 BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
Emily25 BRONZE, Mauston, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Would you participate in a hobby where you risk breaking each toe and both ankles? What if you really enjoyed it though? Hobbies are important because without them most people would wake up go to work/school then go home and go to sleep. Pointe is my break in the day so I don't go insane.
That’s what I do every Tuesday, I ride with my friend to Tomah and dance on my toes for twenty minutes. I tie my Bloch Aspiration(D) and stretch until I feel like the wavy “air dancer” blow up, attention grabbing things in front of stores. Then, I dance like no ones watching, like there's no tomorrow or any other poetic encourager. Dance is an escape for me, a vacation from the dramatic and hectic world others call life. Pointe is stress free (but not on my toes). While I’m dancing, I don't have to worry about the argument with my friend or waiting for the quiz I took to be graded and hoping my studying paid off. No, dance isn't like Pre-Kindergarten where all you do is play and take naps, it’s hard work that always guarantees an outcome I will enjoy.
When I started at three years old, I always watched the teacher’s daughter because I had no clue what I was doing. When I could actually comprehend what was going on (I was around five) I started to watch the older girls, diamonds and jades (levels of dancing), walk around on their “loud toe shoes” I knew I was going be like them one day. The only was I knew to get there was to continue in dance and put forth the effort and I could be one of the “true ballerinas”. The way the girls floated around and grew by three inches instantly mesmerized me. And the shoes, I loved how they looked, how elegant and graceful they made the dancers look.
I try to live in the moment when I'm dancing because I know that one day I won't be able to dance. I know that my senior solo in the dance recital might be the end for dancing for me. If I just dance I know I will always be happy. Dance always cheers me up. I don't see a way I could be angry or upset at dance or dancing. I can get frustrated, but I know I can always conquer whatever dance throws at me.
Dancing isn't just a hobby for me, it's a passion. I don't dance just to dance, it means something to me. So I hope I can dance until I really can't and I have to stop.

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