Young, Wild, and Free! | Teen Ink

Young, Wild, and Free!

March 25, 2014
By DarknessFalls PLATINUM, Alhambra, California
DarknessFalls PLATINUM, Alhambra, California
47 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. -Edgar Allan Poe

Dark, warm, and peaceful is how my closet feels. The peace and serenity sends chills down my spine. Sitting behind my hanging clothes and the smell of wooden panels just seems really calming to me. Sitting in the dark and quietness lets my imagination run wild; the hanging clothes become the branches of weeping willows and the cold floor is snow. I love the smell of ocean breeze scented fabric softener against my clothes. This smell takes me to a beautiful beach. The beach is deserted, not one person in sight, and is very peaceful and quiet. The waves crash against the rocks as I sit on the highest rock. Each time the wave crashes, it touches my feet just slightly leaving behind its scent. All these different places I imagine leave me feeling at peace and safe. It makes me feel safe because I know that no matter what, this place will always be there for me to go back to.

I like to meditate, and when I do, I always choose a place that makes me feel either at peace, happy, or free. The place I imagine that makes me feel free is a big countryside meadow. There is an endless amount of grass, and a beautiful flowing creek surrounded by rocks. To the side is small wooden gate, and next it sits a big oak tree. I stand with my leg lifted on the gate and stretch like a ballerina. The wind blows through my hair, leaving the fresh smell of creek water in my nose.

I run bare-footed through the tall, cold, green grass, all the way till I reach the creek. Once I’m there, I leap from rock to rock right into the chilling water. I stand under the waterfall and just let the water run down my body. I start to notice all the amazing creatures in the water as I lean down to touch the fish.

The thought of this beautiful place makes me feel free because there is an everlasting amount of space. I feel like I can go anywhere and do anything. I feel like there are endless possibilities and discoveries to be made in this field.

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