Bottled Water is Awesome...Or is it... | Teen Ink

Bottled Water is Awesome...Or is it...

February 11, 2014
By SamtheAwesome BRONZE, Mona, Utah
SamtheAwesome BRONZE, Mona, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you are out fishing next to a landfill. You haven't caught anything, and then, you suddenly realize why. Out in the middle of the lake, every fish the eye can see is on the top, dead, along with what seems like a million water bottles. Our society is putting water bottles in every store to buy, use and just throw away. Bottled water should be banned.

One reason bottled water should be banned is it isn't technically a "special" type of water. According to "Is Bottled Water Really Better?" By Lauren Tarshis, between 25 and 40% of the most popular brands such as Dasani and Aquafina bottled water is just tap water that has been filtered. So why not buy a reusable bottle and get it from the tap if that's all bottled water is? Plus, you can use it as many times as you want, it carries as much as a plastic bottle, and it costs less than a bottle package. (And you can use it more than a plastic-bottle package) Guzzling from bottles is wasting money and isn't any better than from the tap.

Also, it is likely that the liquid you are guzzling down from a container of plastic is less tested than what you get from a tap (Tarshis). This is probably because most cities are required to more thoroughly test water than water bottling companies. If we keep throwing these bottles away, they could poison our environment and, our water. In addition, some people would say that they can't afford plastic cups to put their tap water in. If you can't afford plastic cups, then you can't afford water bottles. Plastic cups will save money in the long run. According to , personalized cups are $0.26 per cup. For a family of 6 people, you would be able to get 2 reusable cups to a person for just over $3, and according to , a package of non-reusable bottles is almost $13. It's cheaper and safer for the environment.

Finally, when bottles go to the landfill, they aren't biodegradable. After hundreds of years, they will pile up and contaminate none other than our water source. This could lead to millions of dollars in water cleaning, where it will affect our economy. This will also affect the people who are getting paid to clean streets. If they work longer to dispose of the plastic bottles, they might have the same pay as before, yet they will be working harder to keep our streets and sidewalks clean.

Yes, it is so convenient. Just grab a bottle and go. Simple as that. Yet when we look at the careless side, we get sloppy enough to really affect certain certain parts of our lives. If we keep looking on the easy side too long, then our tap water, our precious tap water, could be on the side where there can't be anymore bottled water because of contamination. Bottled water will contaminate our water.

Our society is becoming more careless and wanting to be simple. This time we can't go with the flow, or else there'll be nothing left that can be used to make that container of water. We need to take action and stop being too lazy to take a second or two to fill up a cup rather than use a bottle that'll just end up in the dump and will end up contaminating our water supply.

The author's comments:
This was a class essay for argument. Enjoy and pull out the info...

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