The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

February 9, 2014
By Anonymous

She slowly drank away the pain. Nobody noticed until it was to late. With the marks on her neck, her wrists, her face, she left. Didn't take anything with her. In her new home people started to notice, the cuts that covered her wrists, shoulders, and thighs. When asked about the slash on her shoulder, she just pulled down her sleeve. As time went by things got worse. Depression, anxiety, burning, and the cutting continued. On the day she threatened her life, she was taken away. She sat in the hospital room for 11 days. Being poked and prodded by doctors. The worst part wasn't being there, but knowing that a 6 year little girl had been there for over 6 weeks. The little girl went home, nobody knows what is happening to her. We are not to keep in contact. It broke my heart to leave her new friends. They understood, they had been through the same things that she had. This girl still struggles. Everyday, self harm is an addiction. It doesn't just go away. I know this, because I am the girl. This is my story.

The author's comments:
Self harm is not something to joke about people struggle everyday. It's an addiction. Nobody will fully understand why it happens. Honestly I can't explain why either.

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