Health or Wealth? | Teen Ink

Health or Wealth?

January 31, 2014
By ainatsuraiya GOLD, Kuantan, Other
ainatsuraiya GOLD, Kuantan, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Health or wealth? Which one would you prefer and people would normally just answer health without even thinking because they know that it is just the right answer. What would I like to explain is just one simple thing but to let people realize this thing for their whole life that wealth would be nothing if you had to compare it with wealth.

Imagine yourself if you are not healthy but you have so much money around you, but for the fact the money that you have just can’t help in making you healthy again. You cannot walk, jog, exercise neither your taste buds works anymore. Would not you just suffer there? Let me give you another case of scenario, you have so many things in your head, so many ideas on how to save the world but you cannot let it out, why? Because you’re in coma. That would just be sad for that person itself because even though money is all around him or her but it just can’t do anything and this is one of the times when we say that money does not solves everything.

So with that, we question you again, would you prefer having a cancer but you’re super rich or someone with money that just suits his or her life but a life free cancer and super healthy?

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