speed emon | Teen Ink

speed emon

January 9, 2014
By Anonymous

Lets get one thing straight I will never reveal my name to the reader of this novel . So just call me razor. If you have not guessed yet this a novel about street racing .At this point in my racing career I am known as one of the fastest racers in chicago. Whether in downtown or on the canyon. I’m known as one of the fastest .

Right now I'm racing down the canyon at break neck speeds trying avoid the police suvs that have been tailing me for the past hour like freakin puppy dogs . As I'm rounding the last corner wham my bmw m5 had been rammed into a fishtail by a honda civic police cruiser . The fiberglass rear bumper of my car shattered into a thousand pieces on impact with steel guard rail.Thats when my car stalled. I barely had time to ditch my car and run down the side path as I did I pulled out my cell phone and dialed my friend sam to meet me at the bottom of the canyon.

Then as I came out of the pathway at the bottom and onto the main street . He pulled up In his 1969 camaro . He drove all the way to the next town thats where my career began again . Samm didn’t mind me driving his until I got a new one . My first race was against a 2013 volkswagen jetta .I beat by about a little over a mile. We got about ten grand on that race. Alright let me give you a description of how it went down . I was able to pull ahead at the start . Then as we hit the first corner he barely pulled ahead of because of some nitrous oxide. But I was able to pull ahead at the next straight away then I was able to keep it that way for the rest of the race.

I decided to it was to check out some car prices first car I looked at was a 74 plymouth cuda . 85 grand little over budget. 71 charger 7 grand just right .

My next race was a drag race against a 2012 subaru impreza it took him so long to go from zero to 60 I almost didn't think he was moving at all. I won plenty of other races after that.

Then I had first race against an exotic and lost badly. Thats when I realized that I needed one myself. So I sold my dodge charger and brought a lotus elise. I won a few races in that car but it did not have the handling I needed so I went and bought a aston martin db9 .
I won every race up until I raced The guy that got me in trouble with the law anyway . The db9 just could not keep up with his doge charger (2010 model) so I went and bought a new car a 1968 shelby gt 500 mustang.

I won but let me tell you what happened .

Well we raced on the canyon the started out as a straight away . He was able to pass me there. Then it became an s curve it went down words like a corkscrew . I was able to pass him there . The bottom ended in a sharp turn to a straight away again he tryed to pass me and nearly made it to but I was able to nudge him off the road. He spun out and by the time he regained control of his dodge . I was already at the finish line.

The author's comments:
I love cars.

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