You're Beautiful | Teen Ink

You're Beautiful

December 16, 2013
By WNS25 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
WNS25 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This one is for the girl who looks down on herself, wants to look like anyone but herself, and the girl who hides behind makeup. I have two words for you, “You’re beautiful.” Sure, we all look and feel beautiful with makeup on, but what’s the point of covering up our faces with masks? Yeah, you’re probably sitting there thinking that I can’t see how “ugly” you think you are, but that’s an excuse you made up for yourself. Of course you have flaws. Hell with it, so do I. Beauty is someone who is happy and comfortable in their own body. Anorexic is not beautiful. Why tan, wear loads of makeup, starve yourself, and act like someone you’re not just to be beautiful? You don’t. You’re one of a kind and that’s what makes you beautiful. Now do me a favor and pick out 4 things you love about yourself. Maybe it’s your smile, hair, eyes, legs, personality, sense of humor or your open mind. Focus on those in life instead of focusing on the bad.

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