XBOX Dues | Teen Ink


November 18, 2013
By Daniel Jones BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
Daniel Jones BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I starred at the TV screen, my blue eyes not blinking, my dirty brown short cut hair everywhere I contently and vigorously tapped the buttons on my controller and moved the joystick trying to kill Markus in HALO 4. I readjusted my glasses as I cursed after dying to another well placed sticky grenade. Waiting for the respawn timer to finish, I looked at myself, a 5 foot 7 inches tall, average weight teenager. Shifting my focus quickly outside, remembering perfectly the layout of my one acre lot with the, beautiful green-looking gray house with the white trim and my grandmother’s similar colored, house with one bedroom, a bath, and a kitchen and living room combo. I then shifted my gaze back to the TV ready to kill Markus this time in HALO and not the other way around.
I grunted angrily, “How are you this good?”

“I don’t know, luck?” Markus replied.

On this particular cloudy Saturday my friend Markus Radley and I were playing HALO 4 on my Xbox. Markus is about the same build as me, same height, lighter hair, a dirty blonde color, and blue eyes. We continued to play HALO 4 on my Xbox for about four more hours before we got hungry and decided to go into the kitchen and eat. After making two sandwiches and getting some sodas, we walked back to my room for more HALO 4.

After one more game in which Markus obliterated me, my mom told me to follow her in to the next room to discuss some supposed charges made to her credit card from my Xbox live account. She proceeded to tell me about 101 in Xbox live charges for random stuff I didn’t purchase. I looked at the list; it listed Batman Arkham City Skin pack bundle, Far Cry 3, Skyrim legendary pack, and some odd five dollar and one dollar charges. I dropped my controller on the bed, jumping on it and leaping off to join my mother, causing the controller to nail Markus in the face.

“Ow!” Markus yelped.

“Sorry!” I yelled from the next room.

She handed me her phone to get a good look at the expenses, and after thoroughly reading through them, I told her I hadn’t made these charges and that I would call up all the people who had my account on their Xbox. I fished my phone out of my pocket and started calling up everyone who had an Xbox with my account on it. After several calls, I got down to the end of the list, only leaving my friend, Markus Radley. I confronted Markus and asked him if he had made the charges. He said that he had not made a majority of the charges, but he and his friend may have accidently made one. He called up his friend and questioned him about the charges. After talking for ten minutes or so Markus finally had an answer for me. We accidently made the Batman bundle charge, but he made the additional charges, stating that they were supposed to be charges made on his account.

I called his friend and we tried to negotiate the 81charges that he had to pay; he said he would send for his mother and she could talk to me about what we would do. When she picked up the phone, I heard this grunting, annoyed voice say, “What has he done now?”

“Hi, your son has made 81 dollars in Xbox live charges to my account; he said you would negotiate how to pay me back?” I stated.

“Yes, how about this, I will give you the 81 dollars tomorrow and my son will work his as* off paying me back, She said with a cough and a grunt.

“That will be fine,” I replied.

I said my goodbyes and hung up; I thought to myself, “I hope I never have to do something as annoying and embarrassing as that again.” From that day on I pledged to learn from my mistake and never put my account on anyone’s Xbox, even if it doesn't have a credit card linked to it.

The author's comments:
A personal experience that had my dad angering like a bull and myself about to blame a friend and had to blame another friend sadly..

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