personal narritive | Teen Ink

personal narritive

November 1, 2013
By emily mcgrail BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
emily mcgrail BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Off we were going to Boston for a Celtics game. This was my first professional basketball game game I was going to so I didn't know what to expect. My little brother was so happy because he LOVES basketball and this was also his first time going to any professional sporting event.

When we got there it was too early to wait in line so we had to wait in our car for another half an hour. Thats when my brother got to get so annoying. He was turning up the radio, jumping on the seats, hitting my head, and screaming out the window in the parking garage “LETS GO CELTICS!” So then we had to get out of the car at this point. But it was still too early. My mom kept complaining how there was too many steps but I really didn’t care because I just wanted to get to see the game. As we walked up the many steps, I could see the big green sign that read, “GO CELTICS 2013!” It was exciting to see it because that meant we were getting closer to the stadium. I knew they would open the doors at 6:30 and we left the car around 6:15. There was a LONG line of fans that were mostly celtics fans . It was exciting to finally see the doors open after a while.

When we got inside, we immediately went to find the bathroom. After, we went to find our seats, about a half an hour later, a random lady came up to us and said “ummmmm excuse me, these are our seats.” My mom gave me a funny look and replied, “umm yeaa we can move.” So we had to go back to the next row and take our REAL seats. That part was annoying. Then we heard the guy talking and the WHOLE Celtics team ran out and made the crowd roar. The game began.

The only thing I was focused on was the score. I didn’t care who scored or who got the three point shot, I was just watching the score. By the end of the game, it got intense. In the last two minutes, one of the Celtics player shot a hoop and BEEP the buzzer went off. The Celtics had won.

When we left, it was so crowded in the halls. I got anxiety. I just wanted to get out of there. I thought it was fun and everything but it was too crowded. I rushed to get to the front doors but it felt like forever! When I found the doors I raced to the parking garage to get to the car. It felt like a breath of fresh air when I got out though. I was so excited to get home.

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