Growing up for some aint easy | Teen Ink

Growing up for some aint easy

September 5, 2013
By T-weezy BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
T-weezy BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Forgive but never gorget

June 13th i got sent to a grouphome, the judge said i was only going to be there 42 hours. I was there almost 3 months. It was the worst 3 months of my life, there was so much conflict between so many differnt people. It was a very deppressin place.People cryed all the time we sat around talked about our problem and things that we've been through or things that we saw as a child. So many of us would think were going home then get told that we have to stay longer. They did take us some pretty cool places sometimes but it wasnt as fun as it could have been if we would have been with out familys.If one person did something wrong we all got punished for it so we didnt get to go alot of places. The staff use to always tell us "were all one big family" at the time we was all like no were not and would get mad about it but when i look back on it we really was all like one big family because we went and did everything together we lived together ate breckfast, lunch, and dinner together. Since i know what its like to be in a group home, when i get older i want to help kids in foster homes or group homes as much as possible. The food is horrible so im going to bring them good home cooked mills. I feel like when parents mess up, do drugs, and break the law even though the kids cant stop it and arn't doing anything wrong they get the worst punishment for it.

The author's comments:
I learned from where i went that i shouldnt judge people because some of the kids in there was people who i use to talk about and i didnt know they was going through someof the same struggles i was.

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