That Girl | Teen Ink

That Girl

July 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Have you ever noticed her ? I bet you have. She's that girl that everyone knows and love. She's that girl that holds everyone's secrets. The girl you can call to ask about an outfit .. or maybe about a boyfriend. People love being around her. She's funny ,smart ,intelligent and beautiful. Everyone around her loves her presence and values her opinion. At any time on any given day she will be there for you ,offering her help. She is renowned for her dependability. She is trusted by everyone.. but has no one to trust. The holder of all secrets including her own. Behind that beautiful smile that you see is sadness. She feels all alone in this world. She has no one to confide in. No one is ever interested in her needs or wants. She despises the fact that she desperately needs someone to talk to ,but nobody wants to be her confidant. Her reality is quite depressing and doesn't wish this on anyone. So she copes with her situation by doing for others ,what she is yearning for someone to do for her. On the inside she's filled with sorrow but on the outside she's cheerful. Everyone around her is fooled by the facade she puts up. So no one knows. No one knows what's really going on with that girl. And no one ever will.

The author's comments:
I am that girl.

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