The Best Of The Best | Teen Ink

The Best Of The Best

July 15, 2013
By Anonymous

I want to be successful. I'd rather it be in writing or singing or songwriting or performing or teaching than anything else, but I want to be successful.

I'm terrible with small children, and I hate school with a passion, but I know teachers can make a good kind of difference in someone's life. I want to be that difference.

I love to write; I love to write, I love to write, I love to write. There's nothing like the feeling you get when you finish a short story after weeks of editing. I want to write, no matter what. Books, novels, blogs, (because there's no way newspapers will be around once I'm ready for a job) songs. As long as it's writing.

I want to be famous. Like, people-scream-when-they-see-you, cry -when-they-meet-you, do-crazy-things-to-get-tickets-to-your-concerts famous. And I want to be famous so I can change things. I'm a 14 year old girl. I was the Hannah Montana age. I know what it's like to have your (celebrity) idol disappoint you. I know what it's like to have them change you. I also know, now, that having a celebrity as an idol is stupid, because even though they say they're "just like us" they aren't. Do you have people follow you everywhere you go? Are there blogs written about you drinking coffee? No. Is that something kids should be wanting for themselves? Should that be the only definition of success they know? It's the one I know. I want to teach people to see the stars. I want people to know that the stars are not just drug overdoses and drinking problems and lonely, bitter endings. I want people to know being just YOU is good enough for someone out there, and it should be good enough for you too.

I want to write THE SONG. You know, the kind of song that makes someone feel. Just one song that reaches out and hits the world in the face and makes them go, "Yeah! That's it!" would be good with me, but I know just one isn't enough to change the world, or pay the bills I'll have one day. Plus, I want the song that makes someone cry, the song that makes people feel good, the song that makes an entire generation of kids go, "That's my jam!" And all that can't be one song. One song isn't good enough.

Point is, whatever I do, I'd better do it pretty damn well. I want to be the best in whatever I do. I want to be the best because that's all I've ever known as success. Success, for me, has to be all the way, to the top, the best of the best...because I give up too much, too often and I want to look back on my life, on the last day of my life and know I did the best I could.

The author's comments:
I consider myself a coward. Mediocre. I'd rather not stay that way for the rest of my life though.

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